Sunday, August 22, 2010

Dinner at the Farm

Last night we got together at my great aunt and uncle's house. Every time we come to Ohio we always have dinner at their house at least one night. Uncle Dave lit up the smoker and we had hamburgers, fresh Ohio fruit, fresh corn and Aunt Jo's famous cookies. We had a great time talking to Uncle Dave about how he started his feed business in '78. Can you believe he bought 80 acres with a house on it for only $21,000? I always love talking to people who have started their own business and have been successful.

One thing we always have to do when we visit is take our famous ride on the John Deere gator. The boys played a game called "chicken" -where one of them drives as fast as it can go, and someone else tries to jump in the back as he swerves back and forth. All together we had an enjoyable time talking together. We are definitely blessed to be able to enjoy the people around us- and learn from others who have gone ahead of us- (believe me, I have been learning that a lot today- to hear from my sisters and brothers and serve them) Although I know sometimes I can be hard to talk to when I am a blubbering mess - I thank God for the blessings of people in my life- I am so lame; I cry for the littlest things, but I know I have a certain amount of tears, I just got to get them all out.


Here are a few pictures of Uncle Dave's 140 acre feed farm, our barbecue and the gator rides!

Uncle Dave and Aunt Jo's house

Uncle Dave's feed mill farm

Mom and Vic look at the farm after a gator ride.
Uncle David and Aunt Joanna

Dinner on the patio


  1. Hi All,

    What a great time you are having! We love the photos and would have loved to have shared the ride in the "gator" with you. Were you really going as fast as it looked?...And the fresh corn! Oh yum! Still one of our favorite foods in late summer as it was years ago, both here and on the Brentwood, California ranch that belonged to my brother-in-law's father, and in Wisconsin, where your dad was born. We could make a meal just of corn.

    We'll keep checking out your postings on this blog, which is awesome!

    Give our love to Paul and to anyone else who remembers our visit about 25 years (!!) ago. We remember it and cherish the memories.

    Grandpa Robin and Grandma Billie

  2. Vic - How are you doing with getting all your tears out? Don't try too hard - just when you think you must be nearly done, there's plenty more! (I ought to know!)
    Looks like you're all having a blast! Say hello to everyone for us!

  3. Hi Girls, got caught up on your posts tonight - THAT FARM IS BEEEEEAUUUTIFUL - We enjoyed watching the videos... I really liked the one where it looks like you crashed into the tree with your MOM (had to call Daniel in to watch that one) Elaine......I know what its like driving with your girls..:) You all look like you are having sooo much fun. Tell Jordan and Chris, Daniel was wondering where their safety glasses were :) We love you and miss you. Oh ya Vic....don't worry...we love you tears and all!!!

    Sitting on that beautiful porch with your coffee in the morning sound soooo nice- I'll think of you tomorrow morning as I'm sipping my coffee looking out at my barren yard ;) Love your posts - It's so great to be able to follow your vacation it feels like I'm kinda there with you.

    Goodnight - Sleep tight - love you all
